Archery Team

Youth and Adult Archery in Crossville!

Kid Archers

The Critter Hitters archery team ceased operations in April of 2024.  If you are interested in an archery club/team based in the Crossville area please fill out the interest form.  Should interest increase we can discuss restarting the club.

The Critter Hitters are an archery team based in Crossville, TN.  Our team is open to both adults and youth and will focus on preparing for shooting events that are open to shooters of all ages.

We seek archers interested in practicing at the Crossville Shooting Sports Park (CSSP) and participating in various archery shoots. 

CSSP’s facility offers an Outdoor target archery range, a 12-target 3D course, a limited-availability indoor range, and a large amount of land that could be converted into a larger 3D range. If you are interested, please complete the interest form at or contact me.

We need volunteers! We are looking for additional volunteers.  We need instructors, administrative assistance, fundraising… If you or someone you know has time to help….we need the help. 

We have begun compiling archery events within a three-hour drive of Crossville (  The events include ASA, Shootout League, NFAA, USAA, and Club shoot


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Critter Hitters

The Critter Hitters archery team ceased operations in April of 2024.  If you are interested in an archery club/team based in the Crossville area please fill out the interest form.  Should interest increase we can discuss restarting the club.


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Crossville Shooting Sports Park

The Critter Hitters are blessed to be able to call the Shooting Park home.  The Shooting Park provides us the ability to practice both indoors and outdoors.

Crossville Shooting Park
772 Albert Fry Road
Crossville, TN 38571


We will discuss equipment requirements and the availability of rental equipment. 


  1. TBD
  2. TBD

The Critter Hitters are a 501c3 Tax exempt organization. We are actively seeking sponsors and supporters.  If you know of a business that may be interested in sponsoring the team, let us know!

Please contact [email protected] or call (800) 725-6144 with questions.

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